Indian Graduates of OrSMU Joined Alumni Meet 2022


Indian Graduates of OrSMU Joined Alumni Meet 2022

The former students of Orenburg State Medical University from India recently joined the Alumni Meet on 31st July, 2022. The meet was arranged by the team of Rus Education & the Russian House in New Delhi.

The former students were elated to join the event and meet each other to celebrate memories and success together. All these present day doctors were once the aspiring students who found the way to live their dream with Orenburg State Medical University.

The leadership of Rus Education including Prof. S. K Washim, Founder & Chairman; Air Marshal (Dr) Pawan Kapoor, Vice-Chairman; Mr Syed I. Rigan, Managing Director (MD); Ms Elena Barman, Director; Dr Dinesh Singla, Director; etc. candidly interacted with the students as they shared their experiences.

Along with them, the dean of Orenburg State Medical University, Prof. Mironchev Anton, Dean for International Students, also accompanied the currently enrolled students to the meeting and met with his former pupils.

The group of alumni included doctors currently working in the repeated hospitals, pursuing specialization and many practicing research.The alumni reminisced about their fond memories and discussed future goals with each other and shared their experiences.

The entire team at OrSMU feels proud to be a part of these successful dreams and hope they continue to achieve greater heights.